Medals and Prizes

The Rowling Medal lecture

Named after the first President of the YSA.  His family have endowed a lecture with an associated medal.

The first medal recipient was Prof Gavin Kenny at the May 2006 meeting. He can be seen receiving the medal from Mr Rowling (junior).

Year LecturerTitle
2006Prof G KennyTIVA: past, present and future
2007Prof Nigel WebsterIntensive care: past, present and future
2008Prof George HallThe stress response to surgery: Does it matter
2009Prof David MenonImaging pathophysiology and outcome in brain injury
2010Prof Jennie HunterA novel approach to reversal
2011Prof Tony WildsmithRegional vs general – a debate not a competition
2012Prof Mark BellamyCritical care
2013W/Cdr Jonny BallCritical care air support in the RAF
2014Prof Eddie CluttonAnaesthesia outcomes in veterinary practice
2015Prof Rupert PearsePerioperative Fluid Management
2016Dr Richard GriffithsCan frailty be modified?
2017Dr Tim Cooke Modern airway management
2018Dr Mike GrocottPerioperative medicine – past, present and future
2019Prof Jaideep PanditStaying safe during anaesthesia
2020Dr Chris SnowdenUncertain times for anaesthesia and perioperative medicine.
2021Prof Emery BrownRethinking general anesthesia
2022Prof Ramani MoonesinghePast, present and future of critical and perioperative care: the NHS perspective on what we’ve learned from the pandemic.
2023Dr Nuala LucasReflections on obstetric anaesthetic practice in the UK


 Boylan Prize

This prize is awarded in memory of the late Dr Martin Boylan, who was a cardiac anaesthetist at the Leeds General Infirmary and Secretary of the YSA. The prize of £100 is awarded each year for the best presentation at the annual trainee’s meeting. Presentations should be descriptions of original research, a clinical case series, an audit, or a review of a clinical topic. Original research should have been carried out substantially whilst employed as an anaesthetist within the region and authors are required to clearly identify the contributions made by other workers.


 Chris Church medal

This medal is awarded in honour of the late Dr Chris Church, a consultant anaesthetist at Bradford Royal Infirmary whose enthusiasm for undergraduate involvement in anaesthetics was legendary. On his death Dr Church’s family bequeathed the money for this annual award to the YSA. The award was originally made to the student at Leeds Medical School who obtained the highest mark in the anaesthetics written exam but changing assessment systems over the years has meant that the medal is now awarded to the student who obtains the highest mark in the 4th year anaesthetics case report. Receipt of the medal is conditional upon the student presenting the case report to the January YSA Academic Unit meeting.

Zoe Moles is our 2022 Christ Church medal winner